Raleigh-Durham Caged Bird Society
36th Annual Pet Bird Fair
$5.00 Admission (over 17)
Saturday, May 24, 2025 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Located in The Kerr Scott Building
North Carolina State Fairgrounds
Raleigh, NC
Fair Flyer
Bird Display Area
Birds From Around The World
Huge Fantastic Raffle, Food & Drink
Large Selection of vendors
Ramada Inn
Use Discount code: GCBIRDS25
(except by invitation, for the exhibits)
RDCBS Pet Bird Fair
Vendor Information
Please consider being a vendor at one of the largest attended bird fairs on the east coast. Our large variety of items for sale, along with our pet bird display and, our huge raffle, make our event a one of a kind. Add to that the fact that we are located at the state fairgrounds, and do not charge admission, our event draws a large crowd. Many of our visitors wait all year to come to our show to see the birds and shop for their feathered friends.
If you have any questions, please contact our vendor coordinator Tim Quinlan at tim@cockatoocreations.com
Vendor Booking Form
General Information
Fair Flyer
Permit information for Exhibitors and Vendors coming from outside North Carolina
Due to a recent decision by the NCDA the requirements for bringing exhibition birds into North Carolina have been significantly simplified.
Please read and follow these 3 easy steps.
· Call the NCDA at (919) 733-7601 to get a permit number.
· Provide the following information: Name, address, phone number, exhibition attending, and type and estimated number of birds exhibiting.
· Keep the permit number and documentation from the check in Veterinarian with you at all times while your birds are in North Carolina.
Exhibitors and Vendors click here for the full text of the NCDA&CS permit policy